Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Quicksand Theory

Like quicksand, the meta is ever shifting...

The results from YCS Philly are in, and they are simultaneously surprising and unsurprising. On the one hand, the top 16 cut was made up mostly expected and established meta decks, Dino Rabbit and Chaos Dragons. But the surprising thing was the notable absence of one accredited tier 1 deck: Inzektors. No Inzektor deck made it into the top 16. Hieratics didnt manage to live up to the hype and HEROs also were MIA in the top 32. Wind-ups and Dark Worlds, while being on the decline in comparison to Dino Rabbit and Chaos Dragons, still managed to sneak into the top 16. So what does this mean for the meta going forward?

In theory, Inzektors should be one of the strongest decks in the format, especially now that they have even more support available (Ladybug). They also have neutral or favorable match-ups against almost every other relevant deck in the meta. But we all know that Yugioh theory doesnt always equal Yugioh fact. So why did Inzektors lay an egg at Philly, taking only a measly 4 spots out of the top 32 for such a allegedly dominant and powerful deck? Was it under representation, a lack of Inzektor usage? Its impossible to know at this point due to a lack of solid numbers, but if Inzektors fall out of favor  due for some unknown reason, it will certainly leave a power vacuum at the top, with only two tier 1 decks left to duke it out. It might weaken Dino-Rabbit, who have a very unfavorable matchup against Dragons, and push them out of tier 1 in the most extreme case.
Will a new deck rise to check the power of widespread Chaos Dragon usage? Or will Inzektors steamroll on, proving in time that this YCS was just a fluke, with OCG records and results to back up their claim to tier 1 status? One thing is certain, the Yugioh meta is like quicksand, and it only takes one shift to completely restructure the power base.

1 comment:

  1. With inzektors right now I think the problem that is arising is that people are watering down the deck. They add too much tech and the deck as a whole is losing focus from what it once was.

    For example at philly one of the top 32 inzektors decks was a really weird (albeit bad) build with no tour guides, inzekelibers, ladybugs, pot of duality or anything of the like. But he still was able to make it that far because the deck wasn't as unfocused as most of the other ones in the event.

    Once most players realize they need to get back in focus with the deck I really think they have a shot to make it back into the top meta.
