Thursday, August 29, 2013

Poking my head out, Groundhog Day style.

So back after a few months of hiatus, lets look at all the stuff that has happened while this blog has slept:

- A few YCS have come and gone. Countless people have jumped or dismounted bandwagons based on what pro players happened to be running those days.

- The Tachyeon Galaxy is live, and people were feeling the pain of $8-10 dragon rulers. While at the sneak peek i thought their prices would drop when they officially came out but that was before I saw someone open a box and only get 1 ._.

- I have tried some new stuff, which I will talk about in a later post.

- A bunch of new cards and sets have been announced. For more information on that, listen to the news section of our podcasts at I dont want to be redundant and talk about past news, but ill say this now: Number Hunters was a awesome pack

- 2 New banlists has come and gone, with all the drama that entails. I personally think the 1st banlist was fine after playing in it, but it didnt take Konami very long to introduce broken stuff like Prophecy and Dragon Rulers into meta that is completely unaffected by it. The second banlist is bananas and I love it.

- For the last couple of months I distanced myself from Yugioh, but this new meta is drawing me back in.

More posts to come (I mean it this time D:)

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